Featured Stories

Unexpected placement equips for future service

Stephanie Setiawan from Sidoarjo, Indonesia, had no plan to go to Latin America. She applied for Mennonite Central Committee’s International Volunteer Exchange Program in 2013/2014, but the slot for her synod was already taken. The coordinators... Selengkapnya

Young people lead barrier crossing

GKMI Petra-Depok, Indonesia, celebrated being a new creation on Peace Sunday , 18 September 2022, with a special guest. Sadanand Hembrom joined the service from India by video. For the last few years, GKMI Petra-Depok in greater Jakarta has been... Selengkapnya

How can Christian values be embodied?

My encounters with Anabaptist-Mennonite brothers and sisters in South Korea shaped me. They demonstrate what it means to be a Christ follower. These believers transform their own trauma into a Christ-like life. They bear passion, peace, love and a... Selengkapnya

Let us pray

“Thank you for carrying us in your hearts,” says Siaka Traore, MWC regional representative for Central and West Africa. Mennonite World Conference members are invited to gather together Online Prayer Hour, 18 November 2022. This event will briefly... Selengkapnya

A school of love and service

“MWC was a school for me. It really helped me to know Anabaptist doctrine and understand how the church operates,” says Francisca Ibanda. Known around the world as “Maman Cisca”, Francisa Ibanda, along with Barbara Nkala, recently completed her... Selengkapnya

Mesach Krisetya

Mesach Krisetya, Mennonite World Conference (MWC) president 1997-2003, died 30 September 2022. He was born in Jepara, Indonesia, 9 September 1939. A theologian, professor and academic administrator, author and counsellor, Mesach Krisetya was beloved... Selengkapnya

A journey of understanding

It was with great anticipation that I went to attend a Brethren In Christ Church (BICC) conference in Mozambique, in July 2016. This was my first trip as a regional representative for Mennonite World Conference. It was held in a small town called... Selengkapnya

“We felt the connection”

“I think this type of ‘hybrid’ connectedness has great potential for strengthening the communion of Mennonite-related churches around the world,” says Ray Brubacher.Selengkapnya

Believers bring water for drought baptism

In the drought-prone Borena region of Ethiopia, believers saved water to hold a baptism for 120 new believers. The area in Southern Ethiopia currently has a severe water shortage. Believers excavated land and lined it with plastic to preserve... Selengkapnya

An opportunity to cross barriers

“Jesus is our hope: even if we go through the valley of the shadow of death, he is by our side.” In the Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday materials for 2023, meet the Christian believer in Burkina Faso who declares this faith despite challenges –... Selengkapnya

Time to correct the page

“Indigenous solidarity hits the heart of what we do in the Philippines with Coffee for Peace,” says Joji Pantoja, chair of the Peace Commission (2015-2022). The Peace Commission drafted a Statement of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples that was... Selengkapnya

MWC is people-centred 

People are at the heart of the worldwide community of faith that is Mennonite World Conference. “Our global community is itself the message,” declares MWC’s Reference Notebook in section 7.2. “As a church, our overall administrative approach is... Selengkapnya

Executive servants take up the towel

“As a worldwide community of faith in the Anabaptist tradition, people in ministry are key to Mennonite World Conference,” says César García, MWC general secretary. After Assembly 17 and associated meetings, there are new people serving this global... Selengkapnya

Gembala yang Baru

MWC – Melanjutkan pekerjaan yang dimulai Yesus melalui penyembahan, pelayanan, misi, dan penginjilan” (sic). Kata-kata ini tertulis pada tongkat gembala yang terbuat dari kayu yang diberikan oleh J. Nelson Kraybill kepada Presiden MWC terpilih, Henk... Selengkapnya

Temu Raya kecil tapi penuh sukacita

Sebagai negara dengan semboyan nasional “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”, Indonesia terbukti menjadi tuan rumah yang tepat dalam Temu Raya Mennonite World Conference ke-17, yang terpaksa harus diselenggarakan dengan skala lebih kecil oleh karena aturan... Selengkapnya

Following Jesus together across barriers

Barriers of internet access and recording quality, of jetlag and illness, of language and culture stand in the way of MWC Assemblies but in Indonesia 5 July 2022, they did not prevent God’s people from worshipping together. “This marks a new way of... Selengkapnya

Cara berteman dan mendoakan orang lain – secara online

11 tips untuk menggunakan Assembly Hub: Anda dapat bertemu dengan saudara dan saudari dalam keragaman yang luas dari keluarga Konferensi Dunia Mennonite di Assembly Hub.Selengkapnya

Temu Raya berusaha untuk menurunkan jejak karbon

“Berkumpul” telah menjadi ide yang lebih besar. Dua tahun perubahan pembatasan pandemi mengajarkan banyak orang untuk tetap bersama secara virtual. Temu Raya global Mennonite World Conference mendapat manfaat dari keberadaan Zoom. Acara MWC terbuka... Selengkapnya

Join Assembly online

Host a watch party – for your Sunday service or at any other time Assembly Hub Poster How to register Speaker handout (all) Workshops Bulletin announcements Watch live? See time charts Ambassador kit Offering handout USA Canada You can access all... Selengkapnya

Hadiri semua workshop online

Berdoa, belajar dan berdialog bersama di Temu Raya “Yang menarik dan menginspirasi dari lokakarya dan pertemuan di Temu Raya MWC adalah kita dapat belajar  dari orang lain lewat mendengarkan kesaksian dari berbagai pengalaman baru dan ajaran yang... Selengkapnya