Featured Stories

A visit with Danisa Ndlovu

Threatened with death by a group of Freedom Fighters when he was 19, Danisa Ndlovu confesses to sensing that he may have been born “for such a time as this.” “For some reason I was singing a gospel song in a really loud voice that morning as I... more/más/suite

Walking in Receiving and Giving

Author advisory (below) “Rock on”: Fulfilling the bidirectional royal law We are a peace church because we are first and foremost a Jesus church and Jesus leads us in the way of peace. We care about justice because we care about Jesus and he cares... more/más/suite

Being a Peace Church: How are we doing?

We estimate that there are 9,500 congregations throughout the world that are part of the Mennonite World Conference (MWC) family. These congregations are found in every continent and in every imaginable context. This means that there are,... more/más/suite

Not So With Us

Power in Church Leadership: Exploring our shared commitment to doing church together As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to doing church together. We also acknowledge that the church needs leaders who... more/más/suite

Evening Sermons from PA 2015

Read the full text of the evening sermons from PA 2015, by César García, Yukari Kaga, Nzuzi Mukwa, Wieteke van der Molen and Bruxy Cavey. These can also be a helpful resource as you prepare to celebrate World Fellowship Sunday with your congregation... more/más/suite

‘The Winds of Anabaptism are Blowing’ Chilean Mennonites celebrate growth and global connections

“The winds of Anabaptism are blowing!” These enthusiastic words from Chilean Mennonite church member, Felipe Elgueta, are an apt description of the dynamic life of emerging Mennonite churches in different regions of Chile. While most Mennonite... more/más/suite

Beyond Domination and Control

Power in Church Leadership: Exploring our shared commitment to doing church together As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to doing church together. We also acknowledge that the church needs leaders who... more/más/suite

Children of light

Some of us remember that the term “Anabaptist” was first of all an insult. This word, literally meaning “rebaptizers,” belonged to the arsenal of other insults hurled at our ancestors. Not by pagans or Muslims, but by other Christians in Europe... more/más/suite

Walking in Autonomy and Community

How to be independent together In the beginning, man was alone. Even though God created all animals and brought them to man to be named, man was alone. And it didn’t suit him at all. God could see that, and so he whispered a deep, deep sleep unto... more/más/suite

Jesus with Skin On

Global Communion and Why It Matters: Exploring our shared commitment to being a worldwide family As Mennonite World Conference, we share a commitment to being a worldwide communion ( koinonia ) of faith and life. Together, we seek to be a fellowship... more/más/suite

A Mission Modeled on Christ

Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... more/más/suite

Integrating All Areas of Life

Exploring our shared commitment to worship As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to gathering regularly for worship. Yet our tremendous diversity means that we carry out this commitment in very different... more/más/suite

Indonesia: Struggling, learning, serving

The Mennonite community in Indonesia is diverse and dynamic! Discussing its origins and development may bring to mind many questions, especially for those in the Global North: How did Mennonitism take root in Indonesia? How did Indonesia become the... more/más/suite