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Posted: 7月 13, 2017 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
タイの大地にアナバプテストの花を咲かせる 「タイは宣教の墓場だ。」タイにやって来た宣教師たちは、何十年もこう言われ続けてきた。しかし、神は別の物語を用意していたようだ。その物語はようやく実を結び、しかもそこにはアナバプテストの姿もあったのだ。 まかれた教会の種 今から201年前、アン・ジャドソン(アメリカ人宣教師アドニラム・ジャドソンの妻)は言葉を習得し、ビルマにいたシャム(タイ)人に福音を伝えた。12年後の1828年、最初のカトリック司祭の渡来から260年たって、... 続きを読む
Posted: 7月 13, 2017 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
癒しの共同体としての教会 1960年代半ばから、コロンビアでは武力紛争が続いています。子どもを含むおよそ700万人の人々が家を失い、6万人以上の人々が行方不明となり、殺された民間人は60万人近くにもなります。人々は大都市に避難してきて、私たちの教会にたどり着く人もいます。人々はありったけの家財と力強さをもっていますが、同時に多くの悲しみと、コミュニティの喪失と、愛に満ちたはずの神がなさった仕打ちへの疑問を抱えてもいます。正義を渇望し、自分たちを避難に追いやった脅威がここにも及ぶのでは、... 続きを読む
Feed family ties with songs, food and service
Posted: 6月 29, 2017 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
7 ways to support MWC in your congregation It is a blessing that the global media allows us to learn news from all over the world. But it can be discouraging to hear so many sad stories and feel helpless to do anything about it. By supporting... 続きを読む
Posted: 5月 16, 2017 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
各地の美しい多様性の中、メノナイト世界会議(MWC)の「共有の確信」は、加盟教会においてどのように用いられているでしょうか。世界的な交わりと、 信仰共同体として、私たちは聖書を信仰と生活の規範として受け入れ、聖霊の導きにより、イエス・キリストの光に照らして聖書を解釈し、私たちの従順を求める神の御旨を見極めます。 21世紀の問題への回答を聖書からいかに得られるか? これはたいへんな難問である! 聖書のメッセージには、とても明瞭でいつの時代にも当てはまるものもある。しかし、この世の劇的な変化のため... 続きを読む
Posted: 4月 10, 2017 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
世界的な交わりと、各地の美しい多様性の中、メノナイト世界会議(MWC)の「共有の確信」は、加盟教会においてどのように用いられているでしょうか。 本号の特集記事では、世界中の教会が証ししているアナバプテスト・メノナイトの信仰のかたちや流れを取り上げました。当コラムでは、さまざまな地域の教会指導者に、MWCの「共有の確信」がそれぞれの文脈でどんなかたちと意味をなしているか、それぞれの観点から語っていただきました。 私たちの宣教使命と「共有の確信」 アナバプテスト/... 続きを読む
Brief historic journey, profile, tendencies and challenges of Mennonites in Latin America
Posted: 7月 18, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
These reflections are a brief summary linking the historical development, profile and tendencies of the multiethnic Anabaptist communities and Mennonite churches in Latin America that belong to MWC, and present the challenges faced by Mennonites in... 続きを読む
Newcomers to natives: Diversity and challenges for Mennonites in Brazil
Posted: 7月 18, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
The first Mennonites arrived in Brazil during the year 1930, coming as refugees from Russia/Ukraine, where their property, churches and schools were taken over by the state during the Stalin years. Thousands of Mennonites (15,000–25,000) and other... 続きを読む
A ministry of inclusive hospitality
Posted: 7月 13, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 続きを読む
Love opens hearts to learn more
Posted: 7月 13, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 続きを読む
The heart of a stranger
Posted: 7月 13, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 続きを読む
Hospitality transforms
Posted: 7月 13, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Hospitality: Exploring what it means to offer hospitality as followers of Christ Shocking photographs published in the news media awoke the Western world to the refugee crisis on September 2015. With a heightened awareness of the issue, the... 続きを読む
Global Communion and why it matters
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Exploring our shared commitment to being a worldwide family As Mennonite World Conference, we share a commitment to being a worldwide communion (koinonia) of faith and life. Together, we seek to be a fellowship that transcends boundaries of... 続きを読む
The church must be about holistic mission
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Since the Bangkok World Missionary Conference which took place at the turn of the years 1972/1973, in Thailand, there has been a feeling of uneasiness regarding “mission” within the churches in the Western World. At Bangkok, representatives of the... 続きを読む
An Open Hand, Not a Handout
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... 続きを読む
The United States: Diversity, dynamism and paradox
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
A context for Anabaptist witness The United States was formed, in 1776, as the first modern republic. Its founders believed they were engaging in a pioneering political experiment and granted relatively generous freedom of conscience to diverse... 続きを読む
GYS sends a strong call to impact the world by sharing gifts
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Anabaptist youth from around the world learn and fellowship together at summit The three-day Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Global Youth Summit (GYS) at Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA, concluded Sunday, 19 July 2015, with a... 続きを読む
Taking stock: With new leadership, new headquarters, what is in store for MWC?
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
When I attended my first Mennonite World Conference assembly in Kitchener, Ontario, in 1962, I remember sitting cross-legged on a gymnasium floor with other youth. I’d just come from Ethiopia—where I had been surrounded by brown faces at the Bible... 続きを読む
Economic Inequality
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Economic Inequality: Exploring our shared commitment to pursuing shalom As a global communion of Anabaptist-related churches, we share a common commitment to pursuing shalom. In this pursuit, we believe in seeking justice and sharing our resources,... 続きを読む
Walking with God
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
I was 17 years old when an army captain asked me, “What would you do if our battalion was attacked tonight? What would you do if someone came and shot you?” “I would pray,” I responded. At that instant, I felt a sharp pain on my head. The captain... 続きを読む
What I found at PA 2015 and will take home with me:
Posted: 5月 19, 2016 | カテゴリー: Testimonies
Paulus Hartono, Indonesia Being a part of the throngs at PA 2015 made Paulus Hartono of Indonesia reflect on his early life and how unlikely it is that he found his way to this place. Now a Mennonite pastor and highly active in peace work in Solo (... 続きを読む
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