
After Zoom, prayers carry on

Online Prayer Hour doesn’t end when the hour does. Not only do participants in Mennonite World Conference’s bimonthly prayer meeting continue for another 15 minutes – greeting each in other in a pandemonium of languages – they also carry prayers... Lees meer

How Assembly food waste will end up as fertilizer

In Indonesia, a country where sorting and proper treatment of trash is rare, how do we run the Assembly sustainably? In 2019, Bangun P. Nugroho, a member of Jemaat Kristen Indonesia (JKI church) Holy Stadium in Semarang, Central Java, realized that... Lees meer

A golden opportunity to strengthen health systems

“Not on my watch!” The math wasn’t good enough for Sara Hildebrand. The COVAX plan to bring 1 billion doses of vaccine to people in the developing world would reach less than 20 percent of world’s poorest people in 2021. “The world needs people of... Lees meer

An occasion for confession and transformation

A focus on history can easily shade into hero worship – a focus on earthly figures rather than on Jesus, “the founder and perfector of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2). Preserving historical memories can become a form of nostalgia, or a defense of the dead... Lees meer

Anabaptists around the world care for creation

Stories from around the world teach how we respond as faith communities to the challenges of climate change. The 353 responses to the Creation Care Task Force survey contained many stories of churches caring for creation. This month, we highlight... Lees meer

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – March 2022

God’s Spirit gives us hope (Romans 15:13)! The presence of God’s Spirit in our hearts bears witness that we are adopted as children of God and heirs to his promises (Ephesians 1:5-6; Romans 8:14-17; Galatians 4:4-7). The Spirit is described as a... Lees meer

Prayers beat swords into plowshares

"Hope that results from faith in Jesus may be defined as ability to see a new reality. To long for a different world and behave as if we were already in it. Waiting on Christ is never passive, never simply a feeling." Mennonite World Conference... Lees meer

Indonesia 2022: less on-site, more creative options

How will we gather for Assembly 17? The Executive Committee has opted for limited on-site attendees and many options for online attendees at the hybrid Assembly 17. MWC Assembly is hosted by the three Indonesian Anabaptist-Mennonite synods in... Lees meer

An Open Letter to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus

As Russia unleashes weapons upon Ukraine, we call on you as a Christian leader in Russia to speak and act boldly for the gospel of peace. Regardless of any rationale given for the attack upon Ukraine, this is an immoral action that Christians... Lees meer

A pastoral letter regarding Ukraine

We call on Anabaptist-Mennonites around the world, and all who confess Christ as Lord, to join in praying for the peace of Ukraine. We grieve violence and we reject efforts by any nation to dominate another. We pray for leaders of Ukraine, Russia... Lees meer

Indonesia Assembly surmounts barriers

Will there be Assembly this summer? Absolutely! Who will attend in Indonesia? Watch for upcoming news. In their February online meeting, the Executive Committee are deciding on the attendance model for Assembly, based on the most current public... Lees meer

For all people to live with enough

“Dad, as an extrovert, was also gentle and compassionate, and took on the role of caregiver to many people throughout his life… He gave generously and regularly with his finances, and had an interest in and desire for all people to live with enough... Lees meer

Together across oceans

“Sometimes our faith community seems small and insular; [celebrating Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday] helped open eyes to the global family,” says Chani Wiens. The math teacher and chapel coordinator at UMEI Christian High School in Leamington,... Lees meer

MWC update – February 2022

“MWC brings the global church together as a sign of God’s desire for the world and that’s a vision I want to be a part of,” says J Ron Byler. The roster of servants who foster relationships in the global church expands with new faces in these months... Lees meer

Place yourself as witness for peace

“How do we amplify voices? How do we nourish acts of resistance already in place?” These questions were raised during “Ubíquese,” a webinar from the Global Anabaptist Peace Network (GAPN). The webinar had two focal points: past and present... Lees meer

Crossing climate barriers to Assembly

“This idea of the people of God being in all places is very real,” says Benjamin Isaak-Krauß, pastor of Frankfurt Mennonite Church. The half-decade Assemblies of Mennonite World Conference are an opportunity to experience this reality. But, as... Lees meer

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – February 2022

The Mexican conference has nine congregations and 479 baptized members, led by pastor Carlos Ortega. Two churches are from the city of Tijuana, one from the State of Mexico, one from Colima, and five from the metropolitan area of Guadalajara in the... Lees meer

What would help churches engage more with creation care?

Last month we looked at what activities churches actually do with creation care. This week we look at what they would like to learn more about. In other words, what do churches wish they could do more? 1. Respondents are interested in learning about... Lees meer

A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in Ukraine

Dear Anabaptist-Mennonite Christians on all continents: This is a call to prayer for the peace of Ukraine, and for the well being of Anabaptist Christians living with the threat of a foreign military invasion. Hundreds of thousands of German-... Lees meer

A pastoral letter for Anabaptist-Mennonites in Burkina Faso

Beloved sisters and brothers: Anabaptist-Mennonite people on all continents, please join in praying for peace in Burkina Faso, where a military coup took place 24 January 2022. Remember especially MWC member church Eglise Evangélique Mennonite du... Lees meer