
GAPN creates space for relationship

Coffee breaks at the triennial Mennonite World Conference (MWC) General Council, Commissions and networks meetings in Kenya April 2018, allowed Colombia peacebuilder and human rights lawyer Ricardo Esquivia to share with an old friend his desire for... 閱讀全文

Let God do the sorting

From a boat on the Sea of Galilee, a fisherman demonstrates the ancient art of casting a circular net. Weights along the outer edge sink rapidly, pulling the web around any living thing below. Waters next to Jesus’ ministry base at Capernaum teemed... 閱讀全文


更新 2027 的詩歌、見證、和聖經反思 一個當地敬拜團演奏 『你是至高神』時,國際的重洗派家庭在肯亞的Kisumu市裡Nyamasaria小學會堂隨著歌聲搖擺。這是今年慶祝「更新2027」的年度集會,主題是「聖靈轉化我們」。Kisumu也是肯亞門諾會總部所在地。 門諾會世界大會慶祝宗教改革500周年的活動發生在各組會議開會間。Gordon Obado,其中一位主持人,說『國際門諾會跟真葡萄樹耶穌緊緊相連』來歡迎國際來賓蒞臨肯亞。 由聖靈而生的教會 『Roho Mtakatifu... 閱讀全文


如同一顆心臟有四個心房,世界大會的四個委員會在執事、信仰與生活、和平、與宣教四個領域,服事全球重洗派相關的眾教會。四個委員會為總議會提供諮詢、預備材料來協助會員教會、並裝備世界大會所屬各網絡或團契,為了共同的利益而一同事奉。以下是委員會從他們所著重的領域分享的信息。 Garcia Pedro Domingos 說,「如果我們是和平的教會,,我們也必須回應及幫助那些工作和經濟不穩定的人。」 Domingos 來自安果拉。他在和平委員會分享了他們國家的挑戰,... 閱讀全文

互相扶持的空間: 世界大會培養關係

『若你因牧養而擔憂流淚,請起立。』在執事委員會所引領的晚間禱告會時,一位巴西的牧師擁抱一位來自安果拉的牧師,雖然兩國分隔大西洋,但都講葡萄牙語。禱告會現場,許多的 代表圍繞著牧長們,藉由禱告減輕彼此的負擔。 大部分時候,門諾會世界大會是透過社群媒體或電子郵件讓重洗派這個大家庭交通分享,但是每三年的會員代表大會、各委員會和各世界網絡開會時,就改為面對面的形式進行。今年四月23-26,來自58個國家的107個教會在肯亞的Limuru開會。他們做決策,互相學習,也一起吃飯一起分享心情。... 閱讀全文

如何運作: 緊急糧食配送

在 Kibwezi, Kenya 附近我看到很多枯乾的玉米。開車兜一圈看農田,看不到能收成的玉米。 2018年 2月,MCC的夥伴 Utooni Development Organization (UDO),就是我當志工的組織,在Kibwezi附近受到乾旱影響的地方開始了一個糧食救濟計畫。他們的糧食配送是給附近的兩個村莊,Kathyaka 和 Ngulu。我們配送的糧食來自MCC在加拿大食物銀行的帳戶。 我在糧食配送過程擔任攝影師。我想到自來水在我南韓的家鄉是如此容易取得的,... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – September 2018

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – August 2018

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 閱讀全文

The Holy Spirit is at work among us

Like the chambers of a heart, the four MWC commissions serve the global community of Anabaptist-related churches, in the areas of deacons, faith and life, peace, mission. Commissions prepare materials for consideration by the General Council, give... 閱讀全文

South Korea recognizes rights of conscientious objectors

The Constitutional Court of Korea brought an end to 70 years of imprisoning conscientious objectors (COs) when it ruled 28 June 2018 that it is unconstitutional for South Korea not to offer alternative service options for COs. An alternative does... 閱讀全文

Migrant prophets teach care for those on the margins

Kenya, over the last several years, has been a flashpoint for Christian-Muslim conflict in East Africa, with the militant group al-Shabab’s lethal attacks in Nairobi, Garissa, and elsewhere. With each incident of terror the tension increases. But... 閱讀全文

Young people key to resilient church

A greeting from the Vietnam Mennonite Church to the world. Throughout its history, the people of the Vietnam Mennonite Church (VMC) have never failed to demonstrate their resilience and their commitment to live out the peaceful way of Christ. First... 閱讀全文

Transmission of love and peace at European Mennonite gathering

“We can’t keep our story. We must share.” That’s the message Danang Kristiawan brought home after attending MERK, the European Mennonite Conference (EMC, CME 2018) 10–13 May, 2018. The gathering of European Mennonites that occurs every six years was... 閱讀全文

Welcoming my enemy

I come from a people called the Banyamulenge. We are cattle herders and live in the high mountains of Eastern Congo overlooking Lake Tanganyika. Over the years, my people have been forced from one area to another in search of green pastures for our... 閱讀全文

10 principles of leadership transition

The Bible tells stories of leadership transition: Moses walked with Joshua and prepared him to lead the Israelites; stories in the books of Kings tell of less wise approaches to the end of ministry. Healthy leadership transition is as necessary... 閱讀全文

The Holy Spirit transforms prison

“My members are rapists, kidnappers, murders and fraudsters – all washed by the blood of Jesus our Lord,” says pastor Ignacio Chamorro Ramírez. Chamorro is director of an integrated transformation program and pastor of La Libertad (“freedom”) church... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: IBICA – July 2018

The International Brethren in Christ Association (IBICA) is the common network for all national conferences of the Brethren in Christ church with the aim to facilitate communication, build trust and cooperation within our global community, and to... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – July 2018

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 閱讀全文

A divine calling

The Canadian Prairies can seem like a hard place to live. It gets very cold in wintertime. The growing season is short, and the crop options are limited. For Prairie dwellers in Canada, it’s possible to think the shift in weather patterns – year... 閱讀全文

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – November 2017

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... 閱讀全文