Posted: July 24, 2023 | Category: Worship Resource
- Worship Resource
Opening prayer
Proclaim the Dawn of God’s Reign
This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: “Let my people go so that they can hold a festival for me in the desert” (Exodus 5:1).
Out of the house of slavery, through troubled waters, into the wilderness a new people is born;
You are God’s own.
Put your trust not in power nor in wealth
But in the One who is creator, sustainer and liberator on heaven and on earth, and called out to celebrate the breaking of every chain.
We are here to proclaim the dawn of God’s reign.
—Taken from Cláudio Carvalhaes, Liturgies from Below: 462 acts of worship: Praying with People at the Ends of the World [Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2020], 35. Used with permission.
Benediction for Stepping Out into the Empire
And now, even as you step out into the Empire,
Be not of this structure, but be:
The light that liberates
The salt that savours
The hand that heals
The water that washes,
Until all have access to God’s great and beautiful creation.
—Taken from Cláudio Carvalhaes, Liturgies from Below: 462 acts of worship: Praying with People at the Ends of the World [Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2020], 57. Used with permission.
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