
Captivated by the stories

“The [MWC Assembly] workshops provided a very rare opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to meet and share their stories and experiences of the great things God has accomplished through their ministries,” says Francis Ojwang, a church... आगे पढ़ें

Celebrate AWFS with online prayer

“Apart and together, we meet in prayer as a global Anabaptist family to encourage each other and share burdens,” says Arli Klassen, regional representatives coordinator. “This year, we offer a special invitation to gather online to participate in a... आगे पढ़ें

Executive Committee approves expansion plan

“God has anointed us to bring good news to the broken-hearted…and proclaim the year of God’s favour,” says J. Nelson Kraybill, MWC president, quoting Isaiah 61:1-4. “The past 10 months of COVID-19 have been disorienting,” he says, but notes how the... आगे पढ़ें

Pandemic fund targets inequalities in global church

Hope in a relief kit God appeared to Mr Nagamanickam through a COVID-19 relief kit. He lives in Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu, India, in a small house with his wife and daughter. Like many of his neighbours, he was a day labourer until six years... आगे पढ़ें

Locked down but uplifted

“The love from Indonesia”: for YAMENers Enosh Rupamajhi, Jeu Song and Olicky Muchindu, the warmth of relationship – from their hosts and each other – is a hallmark of their year. YAMEN offers young adults from around the world an opportunity to... आगे पढ़ें

Knowledge for everyone

Whether you’re looking for historical background for an academic paper, a church anniversary story, or to confirm a detail like “when was the MWC Assembly held in Curitiba, Brazil?” the Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online can help you... आगे पढ़ें

Ministerial credentials terminated

Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite World Conference have received news from Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) of the termination of the ministerial credentials of John D. Rempel of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., due to... आगे पढ़ें

MWC financial update 2020

You make a difference in our Global Anabaptist community when you contribute to the ministry of MWC. We thank you: national member churches, local congregations and individuals. Designated funds are used to carry out specific ministries; this year,... आगे पढ़ें

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday worship materials

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday is an opportunity to remind our communities of faith that we are all part of one body made up of many tribes, languages and nations (Revelation 7:9). Each year, we encourage Anabaptist-related churches across the... आगे पढ़ें

Go into the community

Anabaptist health network responds to COVID-19 “We are bound together as a community not only through this global pandemic, but through our faith,” says Rick Stiffney, steering committee member of the Global Anabaptist Health Network. The Global... आगे पढ़ें

नई साझेदारी के माध्यम से ऐनाबैपटिस्ट धर्मविज्ञान/ शिक्षा को विश्व भर में पहुँचाना सम्भव हुआ

मेनोनाइट वर्ल्ड काँफ्रेंस और एएमबीएस के बीच “वरदानों को बाँटने” की साझेदारी आरम्भ संसार भर के मेनोनाइट भाई बहन ऐनाबैपटिस्ट धर्मविज्ञान की शिक्षा, ऐनाबैपटिस्ट पहचान की स्थापना, और अगुवे तैयार करने हेतु ललायित हैं, परन्तु ऐनाबैपटिस्ट कॉलेज,... आगे पढ़ें

Can preaching bring peace?

The Menno Simons Sermon Prize was established by Dr. h.c. Annelie Kümpers-Greve (1946-2017), member of Hamburg-Altona Mennonite congregation in Germany, in 2008 on her conviction about the spoken word. Each year, the Centre for Peace Church Theology... आगे पढ़ें

अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय टीम, एक ही लक्ष्यः इण्डोनेशिया में 17वें विश्व सम्मेलन की तैयारी

New staff have begun serving Mennonite World Conference to prepare for the global gathering Assembly 17, now postponed to 5-10 July 2022 in Semarang, Indonesia.आगे पढ़ें

COVID-19 global response fund helps churches

“I have seen entire families in the garbage dumps looking to quench their hunger. I have also watched with sadness as they return the elderly from the hospitals because there are no possibilities to attend them, nor medicines to supply them,” said... आगे पढ़ें

एमडब्ल्यूसी द्वारा आगामी कार्यक्रमों की रूपरेखा तैयार

सम्मेलन की तिथि आगे बढ़ी, सेवा की शर्तों व आर्थिक नीतियों में संशोधन एमडब्ल्यूसी के अध्यक्ष जे. नेलसन क्रेयबिल ने कार्यकारिणी समिति की द्वितीय बैठक का आरम्भ करते हुए कहा, “जैसा कि गिनती की पुस्तक में वर्णन किया गया है, जंगल में इस्राएलियों के समान,... आगे पढ़ें

Ministry partner update: ICOMB – August 2020

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) is made up of 21 national churches in 19 countries with approximately 450,000 members. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its... आगे पढ़ें

MWC shifts Assembly to 2022

Mennonite World Conference (MWC) decided to postpone the global Assembly until 2022: 5–10 July. In close consultation with the National Advisory Committee in host country Indonesia, the Executive Committee of MWC has decided not to hold the... आगे पढ़ें

MWC COVID-19 response fund reaches remote Indonesian island

For people in Sumba Island, the COVID-19 pandemic may not be their top worry. Thanks to their remote location, less than two dozen infections have been confirmed on the island as of 4 August 2020. However, the community is devastated by the economic... आगे पढ़ें

अपना बपतिस्मा स्मरण रखें

त्रिपक्षीय वार्ता की रिर्पोट में एक दूसरे से मिली भेंटों और सामने खड़ी चुनौतियों को प्रस्तुत किया गया लूथरन-मेनोनाइट-रोमन कैथोलिक त्रिपक्षीय वार्ता रिर्पोट का प्रकाशन किया जा चुका है। इस रिर्पोट में इन तीन सहभागिताओं के सामने खड़ी वर्तमान पासबानी और... आगे पढ़ें

एमडब्ल्यूसी द्वारा परमाणु हथियारों के विरोध में एक वक्तव्य पर हस्ताक्षर

अगस्त 2020 जापान के हिरोशिमा और नागासाकी पर हुए परमाणु हमले की 70वीं वर्षगाँठ है। मेनोनाइट वर्ल्ड काँफ्रेंस (एमडब्ल्यूसी) संसार भर के विश्वासी समुदायों के एक बड़े संघ में शामिल हुआ है जिसने सरकारों से आव्हान किया है कि परमाणु हथियारों पर प्रतिबन्ध की... आगे पढ़ें