Season of Creation – prayers

The MWC Creation Care Task Force would like to encourage all MWC members and congregations, to take part in the Season of Creation!  From September 1 to October 4, 2020, churches all around the world join together as a family, in prayer and action for the care of the planet, our common home. It is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation: a time to repent, evaluate, repair and rejoice together in creation.  You can find ideas and resources here:

Christians across the world are walking in spirit toward care for creation. This Season of Creation celebration takes place 1 September to 4 October 2020.


1 – Humility

season of creation - humility

season of creation - humility

season of creation - humility

2 — Give us the power

season of creation - give us the power

season of creation - give us the power

season of creation - give us the power

3 — Children, don't be afraid

season of creation - children don't be intimidated

season of creation - children don't be intimidated

season of creation - children don't be intimidated

season of creation - children don't be intimidated

4 — Prayer during a time of threat

season of creation - time of threat

season of creation - time of threat

season of creation - time of threat

5 — God of creation

season of creation - god of

season of creation - god of

season of creation

6 — A prayer for frugal life

season of creation - frugal life

season of creation - frugal life

season of creation - frugal life

7 — Psalm 19

season of creation - Psalm 19

season of creation - Psalm 19

season of creation - Psalm 19






We need your input!

The Creation Care Task Force requests that you take the creation care survey; we need your input! As the task force begins our work, it is important we hear from you, as a congregation within Mennonite World Conference, about issues of creation care such as climate change. Your feedback is critical as we create a plan to work on creation care issues which churches feel are most important, and as we provide resources for churches who want to engage with issues like climate change and other forms of environmental degradation which impact our congregations. Please take about 15 minutes individual, or together with other members of your congregation, to fill out this survey.

Your input is highly valued; thank you for participating!